Farne Islands diving with seals 2019

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We get loads of seals on the Pembrokeshire coast, especially in the autumn. Having heard fellow divers rave about diving with the playful sea bears, we joined a trip with our dive club (Bay Divers).
We were not disappointed!
Five dives over three days, accommodation exceed our low expectations (2 star hotel), drive was worth it (a little over 9 hours from Westest Wales!).

Bay Divers
Swansea based, the club head out west to Pembrokeshire quite regularly for weekend diving, run pool sessions twice a week and organise trips all over the world.
Having done a couple of PADI and RAID courses with these guys we can give a first hand recommendation. Karl has a great team of instructors but equally a bonkers club of divers to join for a dive, bbq, indian or beer! Years of knowledge and experience, a smattering of novices and even some kids along for the diving on this occasion. A fantastic weekend spent with a fab bunch of folks.

Sovereign Diving
They know the dive sites and can spot the playful seals, dropped us in the right spot every time! The boat is awesome. Spacious, though it wasn’t full, there were 18 of us. Toilets on board, helpful crew and a hot drink at the ready. The seals are super cheeky nibbling fins and indeed fingers! I have no doubt we’ll be back for more.