We think this is bloody marvelous, bravo The National Trust!
In a statement earlier today The National Trust said they will be working hard to keep gardens and parklands open to the public free of charge. Amidst the uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak this is welcome news indeed. People will be able to get exercise and fresh air with plenty of social distancing space.
The official statement:“The safety and wellbeing of our staff, volunteers and visitors is our priority.
Following the Prime Minister’s advice on Monday 16 March the National Trust’s Director-General Hilary McGrady said that our pay-for-entry sites including houses, cafés and shops, will close by this Friday 20 March.
We’ll work, where possible, to keep as many of our gardens and parklands open, free of charge, alongside coast and countryside, to encourage the nation to enjoy open space, while observing social distancing measures.
Hilary McGrady said: “The National Trust was founded 125 years ago for the benefit of the entire nation. We want to honour our mission – to enable people and nature to thrive. Over the coming weeks we will do all that we can to keep on providing public benefit through caring for places and giving people access wherever possible.
While we will close our indoor areas to help fight the spread of coronavirus, we recognise that people are likely to need access to open space.””