Celtic Quest Coasteering - Pembrokeshire Wales

Coasteering Safety

“An Adventure is an exciting or unusual experience; it may also be a bold, usually risky undertaking, with an uncertain outcome.”

Coasteering is definitely an adventure and comes with a certain level of risk. Risk in the outdoors can never be completely eliminated. However, choosing the right Coasteering provider will ensure you have an awesome adventure whilst remaining safe.
Celtic Quest Coasteering Limited (CQC) aims to provide stimulating and challenging outdoor experiences for members of the public and various organisations. By their very nature outdoor activities take place in potentially hazardous environments. Regulations governing the commercial provision of activities for under eighteen's demands that risk assessment is initiated by the provider as a legal requirement. The management of Health and Safety at Work regulations 1992 made under the 1974 act require employers to:
  • Assess the risk of activities
  • Introduce measures to control these risks
  • Tell their employees about the measures.
Also under Health and safety legislation employees must:
  • Take reasonable care of their own and others health and safety
  • Co-operate with their employers over safety matters
  • Carry out activities in accordance with training and instructions
  • Inform the employer of any serious risks

Coasteering safety tips when choosing an activity provider…

National Coasteering Charter – NCC

Coasteering is becoming an increasingly popular adventure activity throughout the uk, particularly in West Wales.
Coasteering guides and operators have a responsibility to look after the wildlife and environment of the coast. The Pembrokeshire Outdoor Charter Group has worked with coasteering companies in Wales, the National Coasteering Charter, and conservation organisations to make a DVD on best practice for companies operating in Wales. It is hoped that much of the best practice advice that has been developed by the POC group can be applied to wherever you take groups out coasteering.
Safety Advice for Coasteering Providers... download pdf
Groups Coasteering - Best Practice for Guides Movie Video
Coasteering Code of Conduct for Guides... download pdf
Groups Coasteering - Code of Conduct Movie Video